We have a range of studies you can going from community groups, women, and men groups. Our groups meet through September-June and recess for summer. We would love to get to know you and have you join one of our groups! This is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, stay connected to the church, and build relationships on your journey with Christ.
Breakpoint invites you to our new Co-Ed In-Person Online Bible Study Matthew led by Gene Kishpaugh!This Bible Study will meet on every Tuesday at 7:00pm starting February 6, 2024. We would love for you to join us! Click here to sign up!
For more information, contact Gene Kishpaugh with any questions or concerns you may have.
The Purple Book Study is co-ed, every Thursday at 6:30pm and led by Pastor Jesse Roman. This study will be based on the study book The Purple Book: Biblical Foundations for Building Strong Disciples by Rice Broocks and Steve Murrell. The following is a synopsis on the study (Murell & Broocks): "As you work through these 54 short lessons... you will: Understand foundational truths that God wants you to hear on topics such as sin, salvation, spiritual gifts, prayer, worship, generosity, and evangelism. Learn how the Bible is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). Discover that the faith you hold has true power to change lives and transform nations. Gain a solid foundation the enemy cannot dismantle—and a heart shaped by knowledge of God's Word." Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Jesse Roman with any questions or concerns you may have.
Spiritual Disciplines Study will be co-ed, meeting every Sunday at 5:30pm and led by Pastor Bart Young. This study will be based on the study book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney. The following is a synopsis on the study: "Whitney draws from a rich heritage of godly believers from Christian history, guiding readers through a carefully selected array of disciplines including Scripture reading, worship, silence and solitude, journaling and more. He shows how the Spiritual Disciplines, far from being legalistic, restrictive, or binding as they're often perceived, are actually the means to unparalleled spiritual liberty" (Whitney). Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Bart Young with any questions or concerns you may have.
Our Christian Topics Book Club will be a co-ed group, meeting every third Wednesday of the Month at 7pm and led by Christine Piancone. The first reading will be by Meade & Gurry titled, Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible. This will take a look at how the Bible was copied and translated and why there is only 66 books. Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Christine Piancone with any questions or concerns you may have.
The Devoted Study will our in-person Ladies Bible Study, meeting every Tuesday at 9:30am led by Jacquelyn Benson. This study will look at the different journey's of women in the bible and how they all had a common story of redemption with Christ. Similar to the women in the Bible, this study will look at how you play a part in His story, and how your life is a picture for others through His kindness and His love. Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Jacquelyn Benson with any questions or concerns you may have.
John's Gospel: The Truth is a online Ladies Bible Study, meeting every Wednesday at 7:30pm over Zoom and led by Marilyn Hill. "In a world filled with all sorts of truth claims -even 'find your own truth'- Jesus stands alone. He boldly proclaims Himself as the only source of freedom, peace, truth, meaning, sustenance, security, and everlasting life with God. Which leaves us asking: Are Jesus's claims true?" (bsfinternational.org). Join us as we explore Jesus's claims for our life within John's Gospel! Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Marilyn Hill with any questions or concerns you may have.
Breakpoint invites you to our new Mom's Group happening every other Friday at 7:30pm, led by Rebeccah Roman and Rebekah Hazekamp. We would love for you to join us! Childcare will be available upon request. This study will be based on the study book Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman. Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Rebeccah Roman or Rebekah Hazekamp with any questions or concerns you may have.
Our Online Men's Bible Study happens throughout the year every Monday at 7:15pm. Craig Hill leads this group through Zoom. If you are interested, click the below link to sign up or reach out with any questions you may have! Click here to sign up! For more information, contact Craig Hill with any questions or concerns you may have.